For example, there's not such a thing as genere perspective or genere studies in the 5 years that last the career, which it's fundamental in the formation of future psychologists in my opinion.
Meanwhile, the options of optative classes that the career offer are pretty poor in variety, and this should change since a lot of people can't access classes and formation in their area or interest.
As well, one of the most important things that are present in the career and should change is the way the formation is been oriented. Where in this university is mainly research oriented, not most of us are interested in that area. They have us here practicing and making investigations year after year, without another way of demonstrate how much we have learned. There are not many instances for us to do practice work, and it makes me feel like we get caught in the theoric work.
As a person whom is in formation as a professional, I believe that this deficiencies are damaging our formations so it should be a priority for the career administration to work on and change them.
Specially since this career is not only formating social investigators, it's also formating clinic psychologists, educationals or focus in the community, etc and the academic formation in this university isn't delivering the correct tools for them to achieve a heterogeneous formation.
I don't know about you don't have a genere perspective ! it is archaic! :S