Monday, April 10, 2017


Good Afternoon:

Today I've been told to talk about concerts. To be honest, I had not have the opportunity to go to many, but there was a time when I used to go to Valparaiso a lot and there I went to an event where Angelo Escobar, Kaskivano, Chinoy, Perota Chingo and Cultura Profetica where playing some good music on company of my two best friends.
The show was'st just the two of them, it included a lot of others artist as well, you could feel a very light atmosphere, where eveybody just want to live the moment and have fun.
That day was great! I had the opportunity to listen to some of my favourite artists, share with some friends and have  a good time. It was a very emocional day as well because I saw friends that I hadn't seen in a long time, and the show pretty cool. Well, that's all all for today folks! See you soon on another post!



  1. Aww :3 I love Perota Chingó <3

  2. They are good groups!! I like to

  3. sounds so cool!! I hate Chinoy's voice though, but the rest of the artists I like them a lot!
